domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

Shoes: 250
Jeans: 150
T-shirt: 50
Jacket: 300
Accessories: 20
Customer: Hello sr how much is the red jacket?
Saler: The red jacket is in sale for three hundred BSF.
Customer: What about the white T- shirt?
Saler:The white T- shirt cost fifty Bsf.
Customer:And how much are the pair of jeans?
Saler: The pair of jeans cost one hundred fifty BSF.
Customer:And the shoes?
Saler:the cost of the shoes is two hundred fifty bsf.
Customer: Great! i will take all.

My house and the rooms

Hi everyone

I live in big house with my parents in Cabimas.In my house there are Seven rooms. one living room, a kitchen, a dining room, two bathrooms, four bedrooms, and a garage.

Every monday"

Every monday... gets up at 5:00.
Then I gos to the bathroom and have shower. After that I gos and have breakfast I have cereal.
I lave home at 5:40 am and I gos to school by transpote.
I arriver at school 7:00 am a 11:00 am. For lunch I sopa. After school I watches TV at 1:00 pm and do I homework at 8:00 pm a 11:00 pm. Finally to bed at about 11:00 pm